We are all about retro & vintage artifacts! This is an online Retro Store. We seek, collect, repair and sell vintage electronics, games, clothing, furniture and more! These artifacts are being saved from landfills and sad lonely lives where they are unused and under valued. Retro Thrifter has successfully sold online for over a decade.
I truly believe each item we sell is saving the item. When things get thrown in the trash and crushed by construction equipment it saddens me. When I find something at a sale, the side of the road, at a family members or friends house that they no longer want but I know that YOU do! It makes me extremely happy to rescue it and pass it on. I truly love mailing it across the country or overseas to people who will cherish and honor the creative passion it took to make it. As you might be thinking I don’t only sell but also collect. I have some sweet items in my collection and share the love that brought you here to this site. Enjoy and know that I am just like you!
We also offer high quality replica costumes and props for both Cosplay and Halloween. If you enjoy competing in costume contests, then you are in the right place! We have been creating, wearing, sharing, selling and loving these for over a decade.
Retro Thrifter is dedicated to providing you with high quality vintage, retro and antique goods from brands such as: Atari, Sega, Nintendo, Mattel, Tomy, IBM, Microsoft, Macintosh, Apple, Lili Ledy, Kenner, Disney, Galoob, Casio, Remco, Texas Instruments, Milton Bradley, Playmate, Playskool, DC Comics, Lucas Films, Matchbox, Fisher Price, Parker Brothers, G.I. Joe, LEGO, Commadore 64, Vic-20, Timex Sinclair, Ruby Spears, Coleco, Hasbro, Nerf and more!
Retro Thrifter age descriptions:
- Antique = 100 years and older. (1916 or older)
Definition: A relic or object of ancient times, a work of art, piece of furniture, or decorative object made at an earlier period. - Retro = Looking like or relating to styles from the past. (Many things!)
Definition: Relating to, reviving, or being the styles and the fashions of the past: nostalgic or old-fashioned <a retro look>. - Vintage = 20 years and older. (1996 or older)
Definition: Of old, recognized, and enduring interest, importance, or quality.
Shopping Cart & Checkout:
All transactions are processed through Paypal and depending on your account history are covered by Paypal’s buyer protection policy. See Paypal to determine your account information.
You may purchase items as a guest or click the check box to create an account. Your information is secure and will not be shared with anyone. This will just make it easier for you to make future purchases.
Currently Google Chrome browser is not compatible with our checkout system. This is an issue between Paypal and Google Chrome. We are actively seeking answers to this resolve this issue.
Returns & Exchanges:
We allow returns/exchanges if we have not described the item adequately.
Please ask for more photos or information if you are unsure about a purchase.
Shipping & Handling:
Shipping prices are listed for each item. If you are out of the United States and or in Alaska, Hawaii or Puerto Rico we will ship to you but you must first send us an email at info@RetroThrifter.com to get a quote.
We often use recycled shipping supplies which is another way to keep landfills empty. Don’t worry about your purchase though! Everything is safely packed and protected.