Costume Description
With the Cobra Kai Netflix series it was a great idea to dress up as Daniel Larusso, Johnny Lawernce and Mr. Miyagi!
Contest Results
1st Place
Howl at the Moon
Howl at the Moon
1st Place
Funky Town
Funky Town
Costume Cast:
Tom Randel
Daniel Larusso
Daniel Larusso
Chad Mitchel:
Johnny Lawrence
Johnny Lawrence
Jon Dunn:
Mr. Miyagi
Mr. Miyagi
Favorite Memories
”It was fun training Daniel Larusso before the costume contest. We practiced a ton of crane kicks. I would walk around and give deep meaningful quotes to random people. "It's okay to lose to opponent. It's never okay to lose to fear. " and "Wax on, Wax Off!"
Jon Dunn